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Essential Summer Lawn Care Tips

As the sun graces us with its warm gase, our lawns become the canvas for outdoor summer memories. Yet, the very intensity that brings life to our picnics and play can stress our verdant carpets. To keep your lawn lush and inviting as temperatures climb, a shift in your summer lawn care routine is essential.

Raising the height of your mower blades can shield grass roots from the blazing sun, conserving moisture and avoiding scorches. Just as humans thirst in the heat, your lawn’s hydration needs peak, making mindful watering more than just sprinkling—it’s a lifeline. Foot traffic under the relentless midday sun can stress grass; waiting for cooler times can spare your lawn from the consequence of compaction and wear.

This article will unveil a treasure troph of summer lawn care tips, ensuring your grass stays resilient and vibrant. Embracing these practices can prevent damage during droughts, avoiding the use of fertilisers and weedkillers that can harm more than help when the mercury soars. Read on to transform your summer lawn care routine from a task to a triumph even as the summer sun blazes.

Raise the height of cut

During the sweltering summer months, one significant adjustment to your summer lawn care regimen can lead to a healthier, green lawn—raising the cutting height of your mower. A taller grass blade of around 5-10cm is key in shielding your lawn from the harsh aspects of summer heat. It’s all about boosting drought resistance and maintaining that picture-perfect green.

Elevating your mower blade encourages a multitude of benefits. Firstly, it shades the soil, which in turn lessens water evaporation, allowing the lawn to retain much-needed moisture. Additionally, a longer lawn promotes deeper root development. Deeper roots are paramount for sourcing water from further below the lawn surface, giving your lawn better resilience in dry conditions.

While regular lawn mowing is typically recommended, during periods of intense summer weather, it’s advisable to let your lawn grow longer to avoid stress and damage to the lawn. When a summer drought strikes, and growth stalls, it’s best to put the mower away to avoid inflicting harm on your lawn.

Here’s a quick reference table:

Mower Blade Height



Less browning, retains moisture, encourages deeper roots

Remember, a little height during the summer can mean the difference between a parched, stressed lawn and a lush, resilient one. Keep those blades taller for the perfect growth conditions that beat the summer blaze.

Apply water as needed

Maintaining a green lawn during the summer months demands attention to watering practices. The goal is deep, infrequent watering that encourages deeper roots, key to a healthy lawn in a hot summer. Although new lawns might need more regular watering as they establish, it’s vital to avoid excess. Overwatering can be as damaging as summer drought conditions.

For best results, water your lawn in the early morning, ideally between 8 am and 10 am during the summer. This timing minimises water loss due to evaporation and maximises moisture absorption. A thoroughly aerated lawn will have better water penetration and root reach. If you’re unsure about when to water, a simple check is to step on the lawn; if it doesn’t spring back, it’s time to water.

To strike that perfect balance, aim to water every 2-3 days, or roughly three times a week. This summer lawn care routine keeps the roots sufficiently hydrated without the risk of overwatering. Consider using a lawn sprinkler for even distribution, ensuring each blade gets its fair share of moisture. Following these steps will help you navigate through the heat of summer, maintaining a beautiful lawn that thrives even under the sun’s relentless gaze.

Watering Schedule


Best Time

Newly-Planted Lawns


8 am – 10 am

Established Lawns

3-4 days

8 am – 10 am

  • Use a lawn sprinkler for even coverage.
  • Only water when necessary—step test can guide you.
  • Aerate for better water absorption.
When should I water my lawn?

Summer lawn care: A lawn sprinkler will help to give an even application of water accross your lawn.

Try to keep off it during the heat of the day

As the mercury rises in summer, our lawns can feel the impact of extreme heat. Keeping a lush, green lawn during these warmer months requires careful consideration, particularly when it comes to foot traffic.

During peak temperature hours, it’s best to minimise walking or playing on the grass. High temperatures can amplify the stress on your lawn, and additional pressure from foot traffic can cause further damage. The grass blades are more prone to break which can hinder growth and health.

By staying off the lawn during the hottest parts of the day, you give your grass a chance to recover and thrive despite the summer heat. Think of it as giving your lawn a much-needed respite to maintain its vibrancy and resilience.

Remember, the key to a healthy summer lawn is not just in watering and mowing, but also in allowing it time to breathe and recuperate from the intense summer conditions.

Here’s a simple reminder:

  • Avoid lawn activity during peak heat hours.
  • Walking on hot grass can lead to damage and soil compaction.
  • Give your lawn time to recover from the summer stress for a beautiful, healthy yard.

Do not apply fertiliser during very hot and dry periods

Dealing with the sweltering summer heat is challenging enough for us, and our lawns feel the pressure just as much. During these periods of intense heat and often drought conditions, it’s crucial to adjust our summer lawn care approach to avoid adding stress to our already parched green spaces.

When the mercury soars, it’s tempting to think fertilising your lawn might give it a boost. However, this is a common misconception and can actually lead to more harm than good. During peak heat and dry weather, the grass is in a state of stress, conserving energy and resources to survive. Adding fertiliser in these conditions can scorch the grass, creating an undesirable effect opposite to the lush, healthy lawn we covet.

It’s crucial to resist fertilising in the heart of summer as the compounds in fertilisers, which are usually beneficial, can increase the risk of burn during these sensitive times. Additionally, with limited water availability, the nutrients in fertilizers may not distribute evenly, leading to patchy growth or even further dehydration of the grass.

Summer Lawn Fertilisation: Proceed with Caution

  • When to avoid: Top heat of summer, during drought
  • Why avoid: Risk of scorching, increased stress on grass
  • Alternative care: Light watering, mowing high for shade

In conclusion, pause the fertiliser application when your lawn is baking in extreme summer heat. This restraint, coupled with other summer lawn care practices tailored for hot weather, will help ensure your lawn remains a resilient and beautiful oasis despite the season’s challenges. See our fertiliser application guide for more information.

Do not apply weedkiller during very hot and dry periods

When the summer months roll around, bringing with them the intense heat of the season, lawn maintenance requires a deft hand and careful planning. It’s crucial to be aware of how dry weather and extreme heat can impact the application of weed treatments. During very hot and dry periods, applying weed killer should be approached with caution.

The stress on your grass during periods of drought and extreme summer heat can leave it more susceptible to damage, which is why spot-treating individual weeds is often the preferred method. This targeted approach, using a selective weed killer, helps ensure that the surrounding healthy lawn isn’t affected.

Here’s a quick guide to help you maintain a green lawn without the risk of damage from weed treatments:


Recommended Action

General Weed Treatment

Avoid during hot and dry conditions

Spot Treatment for Weeds

Remove by hand

Lawn Stress from Heat

Do not treat to prevent damage

When your lawn is battling the summer heat, remember that careful weed management helps foster perfect growth conditions for a beautiful lawn. It’s better to wait for a break in the heat or a cooler spell before applying more general weed treatments. This way, your lawn can not only survive but thrive even in the throes of a scorching summer.

If you are looking to sow a new lawn with grass seed in the summer, check out our Summer Grass Seeding article.