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Home » Grass Seed & Fertiliser Spreaders


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FAQ’s: Grass Seed and Fertiliser Spreaders

Q: Do you really need a grass seed and fertiliser spreader?

It is not essential, but if you want to get an even finish and avoid a patchy lawn it will be a big help. For larger areas it is advisable to use a spreader – remember, you can keep it to apply fertiliser. If you are wanting to apply fertiliser, using a spreader is essential as over applying can scorch and kill grass.

Q: Can you put soil in a fertiliser spreader?

No, they are designed just to apply seed and fertiliser. Soil will clog it up and damage it.

Q: What type of spreader is best for grass seed?

There is no type that is better, it just depends on the size of your area. Broadcast spreaders are better for larger areas, drop spreaders are better for smaller areas or where accuracy is important (i.e. avoiding flower beds, patios etc).

Q: How do you use a broadcast spreader for grass seed?

The best advise it to start off with the spreader on the half open setting to avoid using the seed up too quick. You only get one shot at applying grass seed, so take your time! Try to go over the area multiple times in different directions to try and get as the coverage as even as possible.

Q: Are there any times I should avoid using a spreader?

As lawn seed is very light, avoid applying it in windy conditions. This can affect the accuracy and could blow seed into unwanted areas such as flower beds. When applying fertiliser, it is best to apply when rain is imminent to wash the fertiliser in. But try to avoid applying it when it is actually wet or raining. Fertiliser can stick to the various parts of the spreader and cause metal parts to rust. After using fertilser be sure sure to wash out and allow you spreader to dry before storing it.